The Lyrics & Tonic Solfa for "MY MISSING RIB" by Authority O.A.U –Don_Chris

1. ”He that finds a wife surely finds a good things” Missing rib, missing rib;“ And he obtains favour from the blessed Lord; ‘Tis required of bride and the groom so to live, together in harmony, Love each other, shining as God’s light in the world.

Chorus: Hallelujah halleluja this is the day the Lord God has made so I am rejoicing; Praise the Lord! I have found my missing rib, Hallelujah i have found the flesh of my flesh! Hallelujah I have found the bone of my bone

2. ”Go and multiply and replenish the earth”, Missing rib, missing rib; Bearing godly children that will serve the Lord Building Christian homes that will honour His name. All the time and everywhere, daily guided by the glorious light of His Word

3. “It is not good for the man to be alone, Missing rib, missing rib; I will make a helper that is fit for him; Therefore shall a man leave his father mother and cleave to his wife as one flesh, Ever living happily as God’s will for him

4. Husband, love your wife, cherish her like treasure; Missing rib, missing rib; Take good care of her just as the Lord His bride; Submit to your own husband, wife as the head, all the time and in everything, Ever supportive and always be by his side.


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